Employees News & Resources (Page 9)

Tech to Control Viruses
Reduce the number of high-touch areas in your facility by removing the “touch” portion of things that people do every day. In bathrooms, no-touch flushing, soap dispensers, faucets, air dryers or paper towels can help remove the number of germs that spread from one person to another.
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Protecting Your Staff
Almost half of the hospitality workers have said that things have happened to them, but are afraid to report them because they feel the company will take the side of the client over them.
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Engage Employees to Reduce CO2
When organizations enlist and engage employees in creating new sustainability practices and living the cause, their influence can spread like wildfire.
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Celebrate Frontline Heroes
October 2 is National Custodian Appreciation Day. Use this day, week, and month to thank those who continue to protect you and your community.
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How Businesses Can Promote Recycling with a Virtual Workforce
Even though many employees may not be coming into the facility every day, you can still promote virtual sustainability programs, like recycling.
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Be Thankful – It’s Good for Mental Health & Your Employees’ Wellbeing
The holiday season can trigger negative emotions, especially this year. Take time to be grateful and improve your overall wellbeing with positivity.
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Five Ways to Incentivize Generosity and Improve Employee Wellbeing
Discover ways to make this holiday season special for someone in need and gain ripples of positivity throughout your organization and your community.
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Maintain a Healthy Facility
Has your facility been underutilized during the pandemic? Here are things that could be growing in your facility and how to keep it healthy for employees.
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Fighting the Coronavirus at your Facility
The outbreak continues to grow, but according to the World Health Organization, the best defenses to the coronavirus are better sanitation and hygiene.
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Help Employees Transition Back to the Workplace
A successful transition back into the office facility requires you to bridge the gap between business needs and the uneasiness employees are feeling.
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4 Steps to Reduce the Impact of the “Great Resignation”
Current employees are being lured away by big promises of salary increases and bonuses. Here are some ways to keep your staff happier and wanting to stay.
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Job Embeddedness Can Predict Employee Turnover
Job embeddedness can help predict employee turnover and explain why people stay, why they leave, and how those actions can be influenced.
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