PUREClean News & Resources (Page 2)

Autoscrubber Airport Cleaning Technology

3 Ways Airports Can Use Technology to Build Passenger Trust

Building passenger trust, especially during a pandemic, isn’t easy. Here are 3 ways you can use technology to grow passenger confidence at your airport.

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Employee Business Woman Being Thankful

Be Thankful – It’s Good for Mental Health & Your Employees’ Wellbeing

The holiday season can trigger negative emotions, especially this year. Take time to be grateful and improve your overall wellbeing with positivity.

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Woman Wearing Face Mask on Airplane

How Safe is it to Fly During COVID-19? You May be Surprised.

The Department of Defense worked with United Airlines over the past six months to examine the possible spread of aerosol droplets from person-to-person.

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Interior Church Congregation Facility

3 Reasons Why Large Congregations Should Outsource Facility Management

Large congregational and church facilities have a unique set of needs. Find out how it is possible to overcome many facilities challenges by outsourcing.

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Frontline Custodial Workers

Celebrate Frontline Heroes

October 2 is National Custodian Appreciation Day. Use this day, week, and month to thank those who continue to protect you and your community.

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Floor Scrubbing Artificial Intelligent Robot

Putting the AI in AIrports

The health crisis has prioritized cleaning efficacy in airports and other high-traffic facilities, as well as the challenge to restore public confidence.

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Cleaning Staff Disinfecting Restrooms

Learn from the Professionals: 4 Proven Steps to Cleaning Restrooms

With the combination of heavy traffic and the potential for the spread of germs like COVID-19 and the flu, restroom cleanliness is more important than ever.

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Properly Disinfecting Workstation

Tips for Proper Disinfection of Pathogens like COVID-19

Here are the top tips from professionals on cleaning and disinfecting your facility so your building is safe and healthy for employees and visitors.

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COVID-19 Office Workspace

Apply the Hierarchy of Controls to Reduce COVID-19 Risk

The Hierarchy of Controls can be used to reduce hazardous facility risks. We have applied it to COVID-19 to implement control solutions for potential contamination.

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Elevator Social Distancing Infographic

Big Changes for Elevator Culture During COVID-19

As companies begin to reopen responsibly, one large hurdle is how to handle elevator occupancy while social distancing and disinfecting for health.

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COVID-19 Increase Stats Chart

Increasing Cases of COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases grow and fluctuate, make sure the environment inside your facility is safe and healthy.

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Compass Pointing North

How to Navigate 2020

2020 has been a challenge due to so many changes. As we approach mid-year, here are some tips to help navigate the next six months.

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