Chris J.

Chris J.
Customers are our top priority and our employees never know when they’ll be called upon to go above and beyond. They never know when, but when Chris J got the call, he didn’t hesitate to answer it. During a recent shift at DFW Airport, a female customer fell to the ground while having a seizure. Chris J noticed her and immediately sprang into action, holding the customer while calling 911. Once the EMS team arrived, he stayed with the customer to make sure she was stable and had everything she needed.
Compassionate, caring, and friendly are all words companies use when describing how they treat their customers. In so many cases, it’s just talk. Chris J is proof that Flagship Facility Services takes those words seriously. We’re extremely proud to have great people like Chris J on our staff. He’s a one-of-a-kind difference maker with a great heart and an unending passion for service!