Noel N.

Noel N.
United Airlines
“The shop is an important part of what this customer does and in all of our years here I must say it’s never looked better”.
No matter if you are an employee on the shop floor or a member of the management team, when you walk into the shop, you’ll notice a tremendous difference. In year’s past, the shop appeared to be clean but when Noel N. became their designated cleaner the customer quickly realized how much they’d been missing.
He is consistent and each day he works to outdo the efforts from the day before, always with the customer in mind.
“In all of my years at this location I can assure you that I have never seen anyone give the type of effort he gives on a daily basis. Other members of the team see how hard he works and it rubs off on them so the facility as a whole looks better; not just the shop area that he manages”.