Facilities Maintenance News & Resources (Page 11)

Scared Woman Hiding in Office on Phone

Trigger Warning: Increases in Violent Shootings Linked to the Pandemic

As facilities continue to reopen to full capacity, FMs should reevaluate emergency preparedness plans and include Active Shooter Training for employees.

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Ceiling Air Duct Ventilation

New Ventilation Standards for Health Care Facilities

ASHRAE has updated their standards for ventilation of health care facilities to offer facility managers guidance to better control viral transmission.

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Booster Vaccine in Pharmaceutical Facility

The CDC Increases Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Booster Eligibility to Higher Risk Occupations and Individuals

The CDC increased eligibility of the Pfizer-BioNTech booster shots to those that reside or work in higher-risk areas. This includes frontline workers.

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American Flag in Sky

Remembering September 11 – A Moment of Silence at SAN

Life changed for many of us on September 11, 2001. This year marked 20 years since the terror attacks with solemn remembrances and vows to never forget.

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Janitorial Team Awards

National Custodian Day

To our janitorial team from coast to coast – here’s to you!

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National Custodian Day 2021

National Custodian Day – October 2, 2021

Thank you to the men and women that keep our offices and airports clean and safe. We salute you.

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Frontline Janitors Cleaning Office

Take a Moment to Thank Frontline Heroes

Check out our amazing frontline heroes that have worked hard cleaning and disinfecting to help keep you safe in public facilities throughout the pandemic.

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Employee Holding Box of Personal Belongings

Job Embeddedness Can Predict Employee Turnover

Job embeddedness can help predict employee turnover and explain why people stay, why they leave, and how those actions can be influenced.

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Air Purifier Office Ventilation

Air Filtration Hack to Reduce COVID-19 Viral Spread in Your Facility

Air filtration and ventilation have become a top concern for many facilities, but are there ways to achieve great results on a tighter budget?

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Female Facility Engineer Working Tablet

Drive Improvement at Your Facilities with SOW Flexibility

If there has been one consistent thing over the last 20 months, it has been “change”. Make sure your SOW is changing with the needs of your facility.

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Administer Covid-19 Vaccination to Female

Should Vaccinations Be Part of Your Reopening Responsibly Plan?

As infection numbers for COVID-19 increase, many companies are debating whether to make employee vaccinations mandatory before returning to the facility.

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Airport Passenger on Escalator

When Airports Utilize Smart Technology and IoT to Advance Health and Safety Measures Throughout the Airport, it’s a Game-Changer

As passenger counts grow to pre-pandemic levels, it is imperative to monitor extended health and safety measures, especially as variant cases rise.

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