Coronavirus (Page 6)

Employee Return to Work Mask Policy

Updated CDC Isolation and Return to Work Policies may affect Workplace Policies

The CDC announced evidence that supports new precautions for ending isolation for persons with COVID-19 using a symptom-based strategy.

August 27, 2020

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Clean Computer Keyboard with Cotton Swap

Facility Surface Testing Can Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

New technology allows you to test surfaces within your facility for SARS-COV-2 coronavirus particles to ensure the health of your facility.

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COVID-19 Facility Reopen Walkthrough

5 Strategies to Limit Liability as You Reopen Facilities During COVID-19

In light of the unprecedented challenges of the last few months, limiting your liability as you reopen your facility has become paramount.

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Properly Disinfecting Workstation

Tips for Proper Disinfection of Pathogens like COVID-19

Here are the top tips from professionals on cleaning and disinfecting your facility so your building is safe and healthy for employees and visitors.

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COVID-19 Office Workspace

Apply the Hierarchy of Controls to Reduce COVID-19 Risk

The Hierarchy of Controls can be used to reduce hazardous facility risks. We have applied it to COVID-19 to implement control solutions for potential contamination.

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Elevator Social Distancing Infographic

Big Changes for Elevator Culture During COVID-19

As companies begin to reopen responsibly, one large hurdle is how to handle elevator occupancy while social distancing and disinfecting for health.

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Employee Safety Meeting

Emergency Safety

Update your emergency safety protocols at your facility to handle adjusted staff amounts and social distancing during COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Increase Stats Chart

Increasing Cases of COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases grow and fluctuate, make sure the environment inside your facility is safe and healthy.

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Compass Pointing North

How to Navigate 2020

2020 has been a challenge due to so many changes. As we approach mid-year, here are some tips to help navigate the next six months.

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OSHA Occupational Safety Health Act Notebook

OSHA Guidance to Reopen Responsibly

OSHA has issued a series of industry specific alerts designed to keep workers safe and a guide for preparing workplaces to reopen responsibly.

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COVID-19 Disinfecting Your Facility

Disinfecting Your Facility to Fight COVID-19 and Help Protect Your Employees and Customers

PUREClean is a four-pronged approach to facility services that address businesses’ needs to reopen responsibly – whether that business is a Class A campus in Silicon Valley or an international airport terminal in a prime tourist destination.

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Travel Businessman in Airport

Glimmer of Hope for Aviation?

Recent creative promotions from airlines after the reduction of strict government mandates reveal an appetite for future travel.

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