Passenger Airplane Runway Video Chat
Passenger Airplane Runway Video Chat Video

Regaining Passenger Confidence Amid COVID-19 Video

Categories: Aviation, Coronavirus, Webinar


Video Transcript

Welcome everybody glad you’re here with us uh once again we’re gonna try today to kind of share with you um a lot of different information I want to make sure everybody can see my screen so if you can’t see the screen just raise a hand but I think it should be able to be seen at this point in time but uh I’ll start out by uh doing some introductions and and we once again we’re wanting to talk today about you know Seeing is Believing and just regaining passenger confidence uh you know and just it’s facility maintenance in a new era and uh so we want to really just kind of get some overview and thoughts around that today so with that we’ll get started.

So you’re emcee today I guess that’ll be me my name is Don Toole and I’m Senior Vice President for Flagship Aviation Services and uh so I’m actually today sitting in beautiful Dallas Texas and I’m joined by Courtney Wright I’ll let you introduce yourself and Luis the same so go ahead Courtney hi good afternoon my name is Courtney Wright I am Senior Director of Business Development uh for aviation here at Flagship I have been with Flagship for uh almost five years now which is uh pretty crazy but I’m sad that we’re not all together this year um but we’re excited to have the opportunity to present to you guys and answer any questions and hope to see all of you guys um in the coming year at some of the trade shows that are starting to come back

And my name is Luis Aviles uh Senior Purchasing Agent for the greater Orlando Aviation Authority um it’s a pleasure to be on the panel today and uh uh just you know just to work with um Don and Courtney is a pleasure um they are our they are our contractor here over at the airport and um can’t say enough nice things about them so hope to have a really good presentation today for you guys excellent so thanks so much so with that we’ll get started so one of the things that that came out just recently there was an articles put out it was put out by ACI and and uh in this article they really focused on the the traveling passengers and what are the the top airport 10 top 10 actions airports could take to enhance passenger satisfaction and so you can see some of the things that are highlighted here you know strengthening the the health measures delivering long-distance visibility and I won’t read through all of these but I’ll give you a second to kind of read through them but these are just some of the items that we’re going to try to address and get a little more insights around today but really it’s not about passenger satisfaction it’s about passenger confidence and that’s really what all of our focus has been on and we’re going to try and shed some light on that today of some ways you could do that but the top thing that you see here that people are really looking for is they’re looking for a feeling of safety and a healthy environment they’re really looking for that visibility of what’s happening uh in you know within the airport space and being able to get that confidence of seeing people that are doing touch point cleanings and things of that nature we’re going to highlight some of this as we go through this day but some of the questions that we’ve been hearing these are questions we’ve been hearing on a real regular basis and as we had conversations with with your teams uh with an APG these were some that were given back to us and I’m sure there’s more and uh and but you know it’s not the ones we’re going to hit you know what are the trends that we’re seeing in other airports you know how do you handle price changes how many here have heard of demand-based cleaning that’s becoming a buzzword certifications uh that’s becoming really big right now you know what kind of certifications do you have on your billing so we’re going to share some insights around certifications and things of that nature and you know how do you handle scope changes the fluctuating passenger counts all of these questions we hope to answer these and more and I’ll just take a brief moment for people who didn’t hear me on the early part you know as we go through this deck it’s gonna be a conversation we’re not gonna we’re gonna really try to just give insight and have conversation around that with a deck that supports it not just read you some Powerpoint and but but if you have questions uh the the question portal will be opened up and we welcome you and we really encourage you please ask any questions and we’ll do the best we can to answer them toward the end and uh so make sure that you do that and as you see articles and things like that that we mentioned like that one I just mentioned about the top 10 actions from ACI we’ll be glad to get you copies of those articles as well and we’ll discuss that toward the end so with that we’ll take off and talk about how we what we’ve been seeing and some of the things that we’ve we’ve been approaching so as we talk about redefining clean we came up with a really a four-pronged approach that we have pushed out and that we follow and it’s really pretty common sense type stuff that we’re just following and it’s really just to help promote the safety for passengers and employees throughout all environments and this four-prong approach is really focused around refocusing sows or scopes of work you know disinfected uh educate and adapt now we’ll say about disinfecting is that the CDC’s been very adamant to kind of back off the language around disinfect it’s still important and they still say it’s important I think really what they’ve been saying in the term that’s been used is let’s back off the hygiene theater so today you won’t hear us go into how you need to be disinfecting you know 5 000 times a day or something like that or you need to walk around all day with electrostatic sprayer you won’t hear that from us that’s but i just want to share with you these are the four problem approaches that we’ll look at so the first one is around refocusing the scope of work and so when you think about rescuing refocusing scopes of work really the only thing that’s really changed a lot is one you never really disinfected outside of a restroom in the past now there’s a need to to disinfect some of the high touch point surfaces and areas are like baggage claim you know some of the gate hold areas where they’re leaning on certain things some of the kiosks so some of those areas we we do need to do a little bit more around uh disinfecting but it really doesn’t affect the major scope of work uh you know for the most part i would say that we’ve been more focused around educating than we have uh around really just making changes to the scope of work where we’ve seen changes in the scope has been mostly around uh fluctuating passenger counts and there’s various ways to handle that and and I’ll just uh start out by Luis just asking you can you share on how you and your teams have handled pricing adjustments within the contract you know have you added extra services like we’ve heard of atp testing we’ve heard electrostatic spraying you know uh have you had to expand your scope can you just give us some feedback around that and what you’ve had to do through covet well um in all honesty we haven’t had to really we really haven’t had to change our scope with regards to um addressing um issues with COVID um prior to the pandemic we already had um we had chemicals in place that were already approved by um certain health organizations that we’ve consulted with so we were pretty much a leg up on on coven in terms of changing the way we cleaned that changed very little because we were we were always we were always um focused in on sanitizing um of course uh with the pandemic we’ve had to do more we’ve had to identify areas that needed more attention than others and as we’ve encountered maybe areas where we we may have had some infection somebody may have been exposed we diverted staff to address those areas and the way our contract is structured is we can we can pretty much um move personnel uh to any location or or or change the frequencies of our of how we clean to meet whatever demand we have at that moment so it’s in a contract for the lack of a better term is fluid in its scope and and it’s intentional it was intentional that way because our the needs of an airport especially um oia which is a growing it was a growing airport at the time um those those those chain those changes came rapidly and and you know we we had to address many many different types of situations where we needed to re-um remove staff and and just redirect them to other places so again our our contract going into our new contract and it just so happens that when the pandemic hit we were into this a brand new contract which we um we moved away from a performance-based contract to a more uh reimbursement contract and I can go into that later but it worked out very well because the authority is in control of how we did how the cleaning was done and and the level of service and the personnel needed to to take care of you know to take care of the need thanks thanks for that feedback and it’s I think that what we you just said is we’ve really seen that across the board where there hasn’t really been the the in the very beginning there was a little extra because the electrostatic spraying kind of got hot and everybody thought that was needed to be done and most of that was handled as extra services but is that kind of weighing going a little bit now you’re really trying to use that for specific times and areas and and not so much of we’re just gonna run out with electrostatic sprayer part of that hygiene theater I guess that’s been spoke of but that’s really kind of thinking about the refocus of scopes of work um you know the next area around was around the disinfecting and really what we’ve done from a disinfecting standpoint and what we’ve seen is really just really making the employees uh the the the custodial staff that’s out on the floor the janitorial staff it’s really important that they know and understand that the public is watching them the public can see them they’re they’re they’re very attentive to what they’re doing and their actions and they’re also you know we’re used to all the all the cleaning was always done at night and you didn’t want to see the cleaners but now having more visual sight of cleaners has become much more important for increasing that passenger confidence especially when you start thinking about uh touch points and i was kind of mentioned this earlier you know it’s the it’s the kiosk it’s the escalator rails elevator buttons you know common areas where people are leaning or charging stations uh you know all of those type places those are areas that people want to see somebody continually and visually uh you know wiping down in in some type of disinfecting so that’s we kind of kind of become more and more of a uh of a trend is to just really be visual about what we’re doing and the disinfecting really has not become oh we need to add to the scope of work it’s been more about retraining helping the uh our employees understand that you know they’re a big part of passenger satisfaction and confidence and that they need to make sure that they they know that eyes are on them and there’s visibility and Luis didn’t you guys that Orlando do some specific things um around the people that were disinfecting to kind of let the traveling public know that’s what was going on so what we did was we we changed the color of the uniforms um that way we went from I think it was a black and blue to a very very neon blue where it’s very visible to the public so you could look through a sea of people and you can spot these policers or or cleaners right away and and and that and that was meant to instill a level of confidence that you know there is cleaning being done um the airport’s not you know it’s not being neglected in any way so if you see somebody that’s out there with with with their mop bucket and their rags and and they’re disinfecting um chemicals then that to us lead you know will hopefully get instill that kind of confidence in the in the traveling public that you know um that the that we’re we’re taking the measures that we have to make sure that the airport is clean um some of the other things that we’ve done too is we’ve we’ve also um we put hand sanitizing um stations throughout the airport so you know and and of course signage so you know the traveling public is aware that you know the airport has taken steps to make to make sure that the traveling public is safe and i try to protect from traveling public from you know infection so those are those are a couple of things that that stand out the most so it’s signage uh the uniforms and um the hand sanitizing stations i may be forgetting some other things but you know we and then of course you know our contract is very uh a very key component in this because they’re the ones that are out there um also and get when they can engage the public if they have any issues with in cleanliness that they can at least let them know that they’re that they’re doing what they have to do to make sure that the airport is clean louis i think you hit like half of that top 10 list so that was pretty good there.

Well there are some others but um you know it it’s a lot of work and um you know it is paying off because travel you know the travel is has increased not only here I’m sure in other airports but you know there there have been no complaints that I know of um uh coming in or filtering down our way.

Thank you well and the next part was around educating and and thanks for you you kind of helped us highlight some of that there as well which is much appreciated and really when it comes to educating I think that does come down to um educating mostly like i was talking about it’s educating our staff to help them understand how important their role is in this how visual they are within each thing that they’re doing each day but it’s also helping to educate uh you know the site itself so you know within your particular locations and airports it’s having a good communication platforms that you’re able to help educate all areas so you stay up to date so the education part has been it’s been really a big thing to make sure you stay focused on because there’s all types of CDC guidelines that continually change and update and uh you know there’s several white websites and I’m sure you all have a team each place has a team to to communicate that but it’s it’s helping to keep everybody educated on what’s the good ways of doing things and and and what’s not and it’s the what not is probably as big as anything else there’s so many things that people are trying to sell today trying to add on trying to get you to you know it’s almost using a fear factor to to get you to invest or add different scopes or add some other particular item and really that’s where that education part is so vital so you know stay into the four pillars and and sticking to the you know keeping yourself educated and there’s always great resources out there um and and if you ever need a great resource we have some areas that we can we can uh definitely uh lead you toward and then the next one comes to adapt and i really think adapt is one that that has really uh we’ve all become professionals in the last year at adapting for sure so we’ve adapted in so many different ways but you know we have to continue to adapt because you know we have the the traffic counts went down to very minimal to now they’re fluctuating at different times they’re going up obviously we’ve got a lot of people that are wanting to travel they’ve been uh they’ve saved up for a solid year to go on vacation i guess so they’re ready to fly which is all good for all of us on this call to have that kind of traffic getting back out there but once again that’s all about that adapting uh you know understanding the spaces you know getting your signage up that’s something we spoke about earlier we’re going to speak more about that in a moment but you know that I think the biggest challenge that everybody’s had to adapt with and what we’ve seen out in the industry is how do you handle uh your contracts how do you adjust your contracts in adapting to to service fluctuations and um especially with with fluctuating passenger counts and you know louis you know could you give us some insight around that like how did y’all handle your contracts I know you just touched on a moment ago but you know how how was that affected and how did you kind of think about that in the process so probably one of the one of the uh the good things about the contract that we have in place for our janitorial services was that um again it the scope of work lends itself to be kind of fluid so we’re able to adapt without having to um make any any any amendments uh to change the contract whereas some of the other some of our other contracts um that we have in place needed to be reduced because we needed to reduce reduce services and that was based on passenger accounts but even though bless you um but even though but even though we had um we had a reduced passenger count at the height of the pandemic you know a business decision was made to keep staffing levels as as is so that we can make sure that the any areas that were not being addressed prior to the pandemic were were being cleaned and improper and we knew um our our CEO uh you know he was prepared he knew that at some point you know passenger counts would start increasing again um but we didn’t really have to make any significant changes to our contract at all i mean a lot of what we were what we were um uh employing as far as our routines and our frequencies that didn’t really change that much it it stayed the same the i mean i mean when the passengers came back to oia I mean the place was actually sparkling you know and and i mean it and i don’t mean to be you know um overconfident but you know the staff really took um a uh really exhibited a high level of care in terms of making sure that that airport was clean um and and they and they’re doing it now so but to answer your question we really didn’t have to um we didn’t have to address any scope changes we were able to redirect staff like i said earlier and it didn’t really it didn’t really affect the the the scope as far as what we have in place in our contract.

Thanks and you know uh um that’s a good point here we’ve kind of hit a lot of topics so I just want to remind everybody again that if you do have questions please start putting them in the queue and we’ll try to make sure we get to them and it’s from your little message bar that’s from the go to webinar little toolbar there so if you do have questions be sure to be making sure you’re putting those in but uh one of the areas i know then Courtney I’ll just ask you about this is that we actually transitioned as a company we were we’ve transitioned five airports during uh covet 19. so in the last year we transitioned five major airports and uh it was quite an undertaking but very proud of the work we did but every one of those there was a challenge around how you handle an RFP whenever there’s fluctuating passenger counts and Courtney can you talk about some of the ways that that was handled as we went through those processes sure um and it’s changed a little bit right because some of the airports that um you know the RFP maybe came out at the end of 2019 for contract start date in you know middle of 2020 and no one had any idea that was gonna happen um and then there’s been a lot of RFP’s that have come out um when we were in the midst of the pandemic um and really kind of what we’ve seen for the most part there’s been some exceptions is that you know when the service providers are putting together um their staffing and the airports are kind of putting together their scopes they’re wanting to base everything really on the 2019 passenger counts um no one uh you know wants to think and it doesn’t look like that’s happening that those numbers in 2020 are going to be there forever um and we you know have to go into it thinking that things are going to come back um just as much if not you know more than it was um so when we’re putting together staffing numbers and looking at scopes of works and frequencies and things like that we were for the most part looking at 2019 passenger counts um a couple of airports that we transitioned i know um while you know we put the pricing and everything together based on those passenger counts when we started they were you know 50 60 70 below um what those 2019 numbers were and so we really worked with them in a partnership to ramp up our staffing levels as those passenger accounts increased so i think for the most part that’s kind of what we’ve been seeing across the board um is just using those numbers that we know and then if we need to kind of growing and escalating um if that adjusts the scope of work a little bit fine but more kind of bringing in the additional staff as those passengers start to come back yeah and even the ones that we’ve seen come out recently almost the trend is always to go back to the 2019 mainly because everybody feels comfortable that they understand the makeup of their facility with that load so when they’re evaluating everybody’s responses they’re confident in the responses that are against that type of passenger count so that’s kind of been something we continue to see uh so that that’s that’s still a tricky piece of it but uh so far it’s worked out pretty good by having contracts with already having benchmarks set uh for how passenger counts increase and how that changes up some of the staffing that goes on so that’s that’s been a really good way for handling that and you know so we’ve been talking about several different items here about you know our four-prong approach uh and how to approach that and one of the big things that’s come out of this and we were talking about those 10 things again was how does IOT get into this how do how do you get into the the things around getting better analytics how you bringing in uh technology to help you get better and prepare for the future and so we’re going to touch a little bit now on some of the areas around technology and some of the analytics that’s out there and available for people to uh for the airports to get uh good data and also to uh uh let you see that there’s actually there’s a there’s a technology solution for every budget so that that would probably be that you can go from minuscule all the way to a pretty large scale but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but you want to just kind of transition over to talk a little bit about the technology yeah so we kind of ended on adapting and I think that’s been one of the biggest things um you know pre-covered IOT was really I’m sure you guys have all heard that and that was becoming the kind of the big push and the big thing we were seeing all of the technology companies and and IOT at all the conferences and everything um and really with COVID the big push became for everything to be touchless right one last thing to disinfect or one less thing that could contaminate you um and so we’ve we’ve really seen a lot of new technology come out and a lot of technology that was kind of on the brink in 2018 2019 be pushed uh to the forefront um because of COVID so um you know you hear the term smart restrooms was a big one before and now it’s really smart buildings and smart sensor platforms and it’s really expanded beyond just the restrooms um you’ll see here and this is just a snippet of everything um that the kind of IOT can pull in and provide data on so things that you may have heard of um like throughput counting and uh you know customer feedback surveys um but then trash can sensors leak detection center uh sensors um work order management so on the the true facility maintenance side um fixture data water usage so really all of these things um kind of working together as one and providing you guys data for all different parts of the airport.

So one of the bigger and it’s not all janitorial but one of the bigger things that we’ve seen come out of this um is a mobile application of clean and inspect so long gone are the days of um you know walking into a restroom at an airport and seeing a piece of paper with a signature and a time stamp of when the restroom was last cleaned that’s not really providing a lot of confidence to the traveling public so we’ve really gone in the direction of mobile cleaning and so what that is it’s a proof of service both to you into customers so it’s how and when employees clean the restroom so there’s a couple of different ways that this can happen so you can give the employees a smart device that indicates when they walk into the restroom how long they’re there what tasks they perform how long it takes takes them to do each of those tasks um there are some cases where it doesn’t make sense to give every employee a smart device and so then there’s um ble badges that um function through bluetooth and so they wear just you know a badge on a lanyard um that indicates again when they walk through how long they’re in and then ultimately that all leads to inspections and quality control and so what that does is then the supervisor goes in they can say yes all ten of these tasks were completed um i rank them you know one through five or eight through f or whatever it is that is a part of that contract um and it creates consistency um so you know the airport’s uh airside or I’m sorry the restrooms air side and landside um they all have the same tasks they’re all being inspected um based on the same kpi so it really just creates that consistency and that’s great for the passengers because they want to know that the airport they or the restroom that they use when they you know get in and check their bags is going to be just as clean as it is when they get off the plane Courtney how important is the um cloud-based function for visibility by the airport um so it’s huge and there’s a lot of ways that you guys can receive this data um so this is all live it’s live data we set up you know dashboards there’s also customized reports um and we can set those frequencies so if you want to get a report every day every week we can customize who that goes to um but then there’s just a live dashboard so you can log in and see um you know when uh the restroom at uh you know gate five was last cleaned when it was last inspected um if there’s leading um and lagging indicators so forcing trends that may be a specific um task is not being completed the way that we wanted to we can go look at that and retrain um so all of that data is just giving um you know you guys power and giving us power to work with the employees on retraining and again just creating that consistency now i want to highlight there that we say uh we in these in these conversations because it’s natural but you know really we I think that really means we as your in-house custodial program or your current provider you know they have if they have the we as a company we do make a major investment in in technology we do feel like we’re a leader in that however this stuff is available for all companies to get out there and get in and you just have to kind of figure out where your you it fits into your piece and we’ll kind of continue to share more about that yeah one of the questions that popped up on that first slide with all those bubbles that dawn showed was about on-demand cleaning and what does that mean and what does that look like um you know on-demand cleaning can mean a lot of different things but in terms of restrooms um a lot of the time what that means is based on a certain number of passengers that flow through there well how do we know how many passengers are flowing through is it a a time thing that’s what we used to see right the frequency was going to be every 30 minutes whether two people went in or 200 people went in um and what we started to see through technology is that there’s a way to actually monitor that through the throughput sensors so they’re thermal throughput sensors and that can be put in that actually monitor the number of people and then you can set those thresholds for cleaning um so it may be every 100 passengers we know that that restroom isn’t going to look good we need to go in we need to restock all the consumables and we need to kind of porter that down um and so that’s something that we you know kind of work with when we’re setting those thresholds those individual KPI’s um not all restrooms are going to be the same right you’ve got those three or four that are going to always be that high traffic area maybe those need a dedicated border um we can look at all of that data um you know and throughout the day maybe they only need a porter for two hours in the afternoon and so that kind of goes back to refocusing that scope of work using the data that we’re given um to kind of conquer that demand-based cleaning versus it just being you know every 30 minutes where maybe that restroom wasn’t even used is that really the most efficient use of that person’s time that allows from that scope of work and not having to make a lot of scope changes that we were speaking about earlier it allows those employees to then use that extra time to be those touch point cleaners to be those really visible out in the open spaces so it helps with uh allocating that type of time out there and I do want to highlight that if you notice in the picture that’s on the screen there’s like a little bit of a yellow beam that’s going down below the the ladies restroom entrance that’s just showing you that this is a thermal system that’s how it’s doing the counts and that one sensor that’s up there that’s very you can’t hardly see it but that one sensor can measure like five or six different things it even can do indoor air quality so it’s kind of interesting how the technology continues to evolve.

So you know we talked a lot about education as part of the four-prong approach and I think this digital signage really goes back to that and goes back to putting the power in the passengers hands um so this is an option and that’s provided a technology option that goes outside of the restrooms and indicates a couple of things so it indicates um if uh how many stalls are being occupied um where the next uh closest restroom is you also can even put on there when that restroom was last serviced so what we talked about earlier with the clean and inspect all of that data can flow into this and so if I’m a passenger I walk up to you know the b23 restroom and I see that six of the six stalls are occupied I don’t want to wait in line I don’t want to be you know that close to that many people I’m going to go ahead and walk down to gate b27 and use that restroom um I can also look and see oh this was just cleaned you know five minutes ago great I know there’s going to be you know soap and paper towels so I’m going to go ahead and use this restroom right now um so it’s educating the passengers but also um you know allowing them the information to make decisions that are best suited for them and I think on that list it was number two for visual signage was number two on the list for increasing passenger satisfaction so I thought that is an interesting uh piece there

And then customer feedback is huge um you know right now as they start to come back and passenger accounts increase we want to know how are they feeling are they feeling confident are they just traveling because they’ve been you know cooped up for so long are they going to continue to travel um what has their experience been like and so a lot of you may have seen or even had in your airport or still have some of the things that are docked on the wall so the happy or not the feedback now where the passengers are actually touching something and indicating their experience uh obviously with COVID we’re trying to go touchless um and so some of that is is going by the wayside so these are actually um nfc stickers so very very tiny um almost look like QR Codes but aren’t even as big and this actually doesn’t even require you to scan it like a QR Code so it uses that nfc communication so when you walk into the restroom and actually just send the push notification um to your device and it pops up and you’re able to rate your experience this is all customizable so it doesn’t have to be happy or sad it doesn’t even have to do with a janitorial it could just be you know how is your overall experience at this airport or what was your um experience like with the baggage claim or whatever it is these could be placed um throughout the airport and then it can be set up in a way of if it was a negative experience then that is pushed to the proper service provider so they’re able to rectify that situation um if it was a a gate hold area for example it pops up um they say oh the trash was overflowing I didn’t like that then that would send an alert to the cleaning company hey we need to dispatch this porter over to gate a21 to to clean the trash so um or to clear the trash out but it’s all brand-able it’s all customizable um and then again all of that data feeds back into those customized reports or those dashboards for you all to look at live well we’re currently using that right now with flagship intuition software and it that it in speaking with your site manager recently had a chance to ask him a few questions about it because I don’t use it I don’t go to the terminal unless I’m traveling and that doesn’t happen very often unfortunately but um yeah the it does it does send a push notification to the device and you can I mean the user can actually rate their experience which I liked um the other thing that I like too is if there was an issue in the facility they can they can at least notate what the issue was and then flagship is alerted to that and then they can communicate with our maintenance staff and write a work order and get that issue resolved so that’s a big plus and the reporting features I liked a lot because you do get um scores uh there are um when you do your qc inspections you’re able to put down your scoring and and you know it’s it’s a good amount of it’s good data that we can look at to see where we’re headed in terms of you know cleanliness and performance.

Because it’s all cloud-based thanks for mentioning these things all of those push notifications are instantaneous so somebody has a sad face on the on the if they put that in on the app let’s just say it’s going with a sad face it immediately alerts what restroom it is goes straight to a supervisor and they’re able to go and address that situation so it’s it’s it’s real time data that’s taking place.

And we just want to point out that there really are results for every budget um you know Luis is at a big airport Orlando International is is a huge airport 55 million passengers I think they were at you know prior to COVID um you know not every airport is that big some airports have a million passengers but there are results for every budget so um and it also doesn’t have to be a lot of upfront um capital costs for hardware um a lot of this stuff is you know a very small sticker I think that is 60 cents per sticker that’s placed there and it’s you know it’s more of the data that is really just adding that value and it doesn’t have to be hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars additional in cost um so I just wanted to point that out that there really are customizable solutions for every budget we did not even hit the I mean there are so many um sensor technologies out there and so many things that can tie into the IOT and to this platform together but we just kind of wanted to hit the high points and especially things that we think are helping to increase passenger confidence um as we go in but just know that there really are results for every budget um the clean and inspect mobile app is a great place to start um and there’s a lot more options outside of what we’ve highlighted here if anyone has any more questions or is interested in kind of seeing the whole brethren um of IOT technology we’re happy to share more information about that and i think you probably did mention this but I’ll just reiterate it that you’re talking about the the push notifications to the cell phones that can happen but it’s it also can be done with just the regular QR Code and I think you did mention that but you know that’s the way it can be really inexpensive and and it’s funny how uh eating at restaurants has taught everybody how to use a QR Code now so in the past I think not everybody some people didn’t really know exactly what they were getting into with that I think we all got that figured out but um but uh thanks and I hope you do see like like it really does there’s you know some of the aspects of technology that they get into and what drives some of the expense up uh one is is like obviously if you get the digital signage you got to buy the signs and you got to get wiring to that that point but usually the the hurdle we have to face the most is around making sure we got the proper uh internet connections and we’re mostly solving that by using uh little small repeaters from a sales service and they’re like you know it adds a cost of like 15 or 20 a month to have that repeater that sits on there but you know all of this brings us in to take it into uh uh you know more technology and and uh um technology that that’s being used in all kinds of different ways and i think that actually brings us to a question i saw pop up I’ll try to do a good job of catching up with the questions but you know some of the technologies that are out there I’ll just highlight what you see here uh of course on the right that that’s the stall indicator lights and that’s part of that IOT that can be put in uh to the system uh in the very middle is a product called a casper and it’s a continuous in air and surface pathogen disinfectant it’s something that some people have started adding to uh return air systems um the studies that we’ve done so far we’re studying all kinds of this equipment uh but uh the study that we we’ve seen is that there still needs to be a little bit more done on this because it’s really about the amount of airflow and you know and when you think about your airport and the terminal space there’s a lot of airflow that’s happening there so therefore you know a lot of these systems won’t handle that much air then you see the scrubbers and you see the you know we got things like the uh the robotic scrubbers that are going and on this particular scrubber if you notice at the bottom there is a UV light so you’re hearing a lot about UV lighting that’s become a big trend in all this is you know UV lighting is is is gonna you know it’s got a 99 point something something kill rate and UV lighting is very good for that the issue with UV lighting for the most part is that it only kills what the light touches so someone asked a question about putting I guess if I understand the question right it was about putting UV lighting inside of the TSA unit or somewhere around there so that as shoes went through it would uh disinfect the shoes I believe is the question um that is a true feasible uh feasible operation that could happen the only thing about it is if a UV light is touching something it only kills where the light touches so if the shoe is on its side when it goes through one side might get disinfected but the other side will not because if the light does not directly touch it then you’re not getting the same effect of the keel so um and and then the follow up in that question was is there a way to do this without technology like that I for the most part the first thing that came to my mind is i thought about a bowling alley in the disinfectant sprays but I really think it’s just the visibility of making sure you keep the bins clean because for the most part the only people going to be touching the shoes are probably the people that were wearing them and and I’m not an expert on that I just want to make sure but that’s my first thought and you know you really have to weigh that cost of the of the infrared and i infrared the ultraviolet if I set it for it the whole time I’m in ultraviolet um the ultraviolet light uh and putting that in place and getting it up and running and not being a maintenance issue that would probably be uh some of the bigger concerns so hopefully I gave you a good response there but if not I uh you know please ask me more and I’ll make sure I try to clarify that um what we want to say here is just really talking about technology and and really bringing home some of the things that we’ve been working on and seeing out there and it kind of goes back to that seeing is believing and having things out there and what are some of those technologies of course everybody knows the electrostatic sprayers by now and really this is something that we have found that we saw this being that some cleaners and some areas that we worked in people were tending to think that this was the uh end-all like it did the cleaning so we went in there we sprayed the area this area is now clean that’s that’s not true you still have to have that elbow grease so if you’re doing the gate hole area seating somebody’s got to get the rag they got to rub it they got to scrub all that down they got to wipe all that down it’s not as simply walking by with electrostatic sprayer and that’s one of the main reasons that we were we’re very selective in how we were using those to make sure we were using them in the right areas for the right applications because still using the other formats was the definite way to go in the way to be cleaning um the gentleman that’s got the yellow vest on uh that is called a space back and uh what we’re able to do is bringing the scissor lift onto the floor is not something everybody wants to do to do high dusting this is using a super lightweight carbon fiber pole and you can’t really tell it but up in front of the guy’s face on that pole is actually a camera so it’s it’s actually the small screen so that you’re seeing a camera that’s on the very top of the uh the dusting unit and I think we can go up to 30 feet uh high with this machine and you have even videos the whole work process so they can see the work they’re doing it videotapes it but once again it’s a safety factor that of technologies that we’re starting to see used to kind of keep those scissor lifts from being out in the middle of the floor and then uh on the other bottom right side of the corners are the pictures those are just escalator handrail cleaners I’m sure you’ve seen those uh speaking of the ultraviolet lights there’s been a lot of talk about adding ultraviolet light uh to an escalator and i think it would do its job for having a light there to kill the the germs as it goes around but you still have to scrub it because if you think about or wipe it because if you think about children that are traveling in the airport are people with their coffee they’re spilling coffee on the rail they’re spilling you know their candy the sticky hands that’s not going to go away with the ultraviolet light so you still need to have that on there so you could be doing 100 kill with your ultraviolet light and the traveling public think it’s dirty because they stuck their hand on you know some sticky coffee so i just bring that up these are not this is not to negate that that wouldn’t be a great solution but it’s also about perception and you got to consider that and these these rails we actually bought these up whenever the pandemic started and then got a call and uh uh delta airlines had let us know that they were gonna go ahead and take some of ours out of our order so uh so they they we ended up sharing that that first order we got with them so that was that was nice and then of course you see the signage and you kind of heard a lot about that so kind of want to just move along to talk about trends that we’re seeing and I hope I asked that question and I think there’s some more coming in but I want to just highlight again if you do have a question just put it in on that and in the question section at the uh on the little go to webinar uh little box there some of the other trends we’re seeing that the top box that you see here is is a survey that we actually did internally we we when we went through all the transitions we mentioned that we had the five transitions and by the way we have a white paper on that be more than happy to share that white paper with you what we did with those transitions but um but what we did is we were concerned about how we’re going to get employees how’s that going to go and you know we ended up not having a real big issue but it made us start thinking futuristic because of things that are currently going on with uh with the workforce so we took some of our airports and you can see some large mid-size small two larges actually and what we what you see in that first column is the average pay rate that we’re paying at each one of those airports the next column you’re seeing whether or not uh health and welfare is mandated now we do offer uh health and welfare to all our employees however where they’re mandated there’s usually a subsidy you know for those employees like they’re paid the contract’s got a stipulation to pay a certain amount for each one so that’s what that is there and then the retention rate you’ll see the industry average on the first line is at 46 percent and that retention rate is based off of a one-year rolling calendar so the same group of employees that are with you one rolling calendar year later and you’ll see that we do really well way above the industry average um and then on the next one is the annualized turnover and that usually goes between 180 and 240 percent that’s really because it’s bringing in other areas airports are probably not quite that high they’re on the lower end 150 180 probably uh and then you’ll see our turnover rate as it’s listed below within those airports and we were doing this to really try to prep ourselves to understand what’s out there and i just thought since I was asked you know what some of the trends we’re seeing and what some of the things that people are starting to talk about these are things that we’re starting to be asked questions about and didn’t know if this was good information or not but thought I would share but you can see where we have the lowest retention and the highest turnover it’s where we don’t have a mandated stipulation on health and wear welfare so just just sharing that with you as a group the next part is just to kind of talk about certifications so there’s a lot going on right now with certifications a lot of people are starting to try and you know get people to be certified on different ways for their building once again all to just help drive confidence up and so what you see on the left everybody’s probably figuring this one out by now is we’ve all heard about MERV filters and so our facility team because we have a we have a huge facility team within our our company and what we do um you know the trend is for everybody just to run out and get the highest level MERV filter they can find but that’s actually not a good thing to do because every air handler is set up to handle so many cfm or cubic feet per minute of air so therefore if you put too uh thick of a MERV filter on you don’t get the proper circulation which actually is detrimental to what you’re trying to do and on the other side you see uh the UV light so we’ve talked about uv light several times there’s a there’s also a growing trend to put UV lights inside of the air handlers to uh you know so it that UV light is hitting every particle air as it goes through since this is more of an airborne virus so far what has been shown is that there’s not really you’re going to have to do a lot of capital balancing because it will take a lot of UV lights to cover a large area like an open terminal you would have to have quite a bit of UV lighting to make sure that all that air was covered but i will tell you in your home it’s a great item to have within a home uh so just sharing that but two of the uh the most popular certifications that we’ve been asked about is the GBAC star certification and then the well building certification so we wanted to highlight a couple of those so to kind of talk about the GBAC star certification um you know this is really more around the cleaning procedures and several airports have been going for this and louis you you led the charge I believe for getting a certification at Orlando can you share a little bit about that and have you seen it as a proof point for building passenger competence yes I um I believe it does lend to um you know instilling confidence in our in our passengers um our CEO uh made the decision that we should get this certification and and rightly so I mean there are other ones out there but I guess g back was pretty pretty much one of the first ones to reach out to the airport um I know the orange county convention center was um got their certification so we looked at that and we decided to go for it um and it’s actually you know it’s just a it’s it’s good to have um because what it does is it demonstrates that the that our work practices and our procedures and our systems that we have those good systems in place so that you know we can prepare and respond to any pandemic or or or any outbreaks and that’s really what what the certification demonstrates that we’re ready and um going for the certification was not difficult at all um it what it what was required that we we um we get together our team of um of uh stakeholders in our in our in our agency and as well as our contractor to um you know um submit uh procedures um and and and things of that nature so that we can create this document to show the g back the g back people that you know this is what we’re doing this is what what we’re what we’re implementing this is what we’re um updating constantly and um showing what we’re doing in terms of how our what our disinfecting processes are our communication our tools and equipment control chemical control our emergency preparedness so all these things lend to this this particular certification so um wasn’t a very it wasn’t a very difficult task probably the only the the most difficult part of it was just getting the right people to you know um coordinate all this documentation so that we can all put it together and then submit it to the folks at g back now you know flagship being our gen our our custodial services contractor they were instrumental in getting a few of the elements that we needed to um submit so um it worked very well um so it was it was a very it was a coordinated effort by everybody involved but I believe in the end it does show that you know the the airport is serious about you know showing that we have everything that we need in place to make sure that everybody is safe when they travel through the airport.

Courtney um how many airports have our teams engaged in assisting in getting this rating are you aware um yes so we have four um airports that we currently service that have the certification um and then i know for sure we’re in the process of one other airport maybe even two so yeah I think that it’s probably about friend yeah it’s about 40 of it is around your your scope of work which is something that your in-house team or your contractor can help you complete uh and I hope you saw it I hit the pages that’s actually the document and you can see the things you need to fill out and and so the material that would need to be be done so it’s not super difficult but once again we’re here as a resource if you ever need that so the other certification that’s really getting a lot of popularity we’ve been asked about this quite a bit and I’m not sure if anyone here has heard of well uh international well-building certification but this one is really growing legs and it’s not just within the airport world this is really in the commercial space the retail space you’re going to see this become bigger and bigger we’ve actually helped two of our clients uh to to to go through this process uh uh we do Mercedes nationwide their corporate facilities and we do Volvo truck industry and uh and we were able to help them with this certification but uh this is something that you’re gonna see a lot more of uh recently you can see this on YouTube if you go look it up or on tv uh pretty easily uh spike lee has made a commercial around uh the well building certification and it’s got uh uh Venus Williams uh uh J Lo and Lady Gaga and several other uh prominent stars Robert De Niro I believe in it also uh who are promoting that that you know you that they feel safe when they go into a facility that has the well-building sticker on the door so um so we wanted to make sure we highlighted that and you’ll see that there’s three different kinds of well building certification the main one everybody’s looking at is the main well building which is in the middle uh so the reset’s really not uh applicative here you could do the fit well but it really isn’t getting the traction it’s really the the um more around the well building and it really focuses more on your um on your air handling and your air conditioning systems because it is you know the cobia was airborne and then they really honed in on that so it really focuses on that and so this is all driven by ASHRAE and so ASHRAE is the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers of America so this slides pretty busy but it’s really just showing you that they’re thinking through all the pieces of your heating and cooling and airflow within your facility to make sure that that there’s good uh air quality and so they’re kind of the leaders in making the guidelines and a lot of the well-building is following these uh these ASHRAE guidelines so just just giving you a little overview and the ASHRAE really follows a set of five core recommendations so it’s around you know public health guidance making sure all that’s done the right PPE’s mass things that nature ventilation which is more around the the filtration that we talked about earlier getting the right filters in place making sure it’s not overdone for the air system which is number three around air distribution making sure you keep the air distribution proper having right HVAC operations throughout the entire facility and then also system commissioning just making sure everything is working as designed it’s got the right type of airflow it’s got the right right side right type of return air versus incoming air to make sure all the systems are operational and so people that are going toward this well health certification and health health rating um they have it’s got six categories with 26 strategies and you can kind of see how they’re laid out and for someone to get this certification you would need to comply with at least 15 of the strategies that are listed out by the well document and once again this is something that that you know we don’t have all the documents on here but we have several team members that would be glad to have a conversation and give insights on how we’ve helped some people get to these certifications uh whether it be the GBAC star or um or going toward a well building and we also not just talking to somebody we’re more than happy to share all the resources that we have so you know be gla feel free to reach out to us and we’ll gladly uh uh share those resources um so kind of getting to that point we had scheduled ourselves to be somewhere close to an hour and I think that we’ve uh uh we’re getting pretty good on that here we’re right at an hour of time together and I’m going back to those top 10 actions to increase passenger confidence and I think that you will see that as we’ve gone through this deck today and once again please submit your questions because we’re almost to that point so if you have additional questions glad to try and answer them but you can see how you know a lot of things we’ve talked about today are ways and that we’re seeing that you can strengthen uh your health measures and deliver that long-distance visibility um you know the digital communication support real-time information talking about how the sensor systems work the internet of things all these things are coming together so i hope that we’ve given you some really solid insights into what the trends are and to what we see happening out into the airport space today you know and we started out uh with these questions that we threw up there you know what are some of the trends we’re seeing hopefully we’ve shared some good information around that you know how do you handle price changes uh you know i think we’ve handled a lot around that same thing with the passenger counts um demand-based cleaning that’s still growing you know as you think about uh when Courtney was talking about uh after 100 people you clean the bathrooms i want to make sure that when we say that that that’s still a standard that’s fluctuating because if the restroom has 10 toilets it might only be 25 people but if it’s got you know 30 toilets then you get a higher number so it’s not just a simple number like that each each restroom has to get a little bit of a validation done as you go through that process and um you know and the certifications we just hit so hopefully we we really touched on this we were really we really want to thank everybody we feel very privileged that we get to be a part of APG and that y’all welcome us to to uh have have enough faith in us to share and give insights so that really means a lot to us so with that we want to go to questions and as we go to questions i want you to note on this last slide here if you go to that input if you just send an email to that info flagship we’ll just send you back the information that you’re looking to request uh we won’t you know there won’t be anything further than that just getting the information back to you and then you can see that my email address is there dtool and then Courtney’s is also there at c wright at and uh with that we really do welcome your questions and want to see what we can answer for you so if you have questions please submit those to the portal.

and we do have a question here for um sorry I gotta read a second.

So question is around the the information systems where does all the data go where does the data go and how do you how are you able to see it is it all in one place so Courtney you want to get some feedback on that um yeah so it is all in one place um well it can all be in one place we can set it up however you want to see it really um so we customize the dashboard so you say this is the data that I’m interested in seeing live um maybe there’s data that you only want to see once a month and that filters out through a customized report um but the day-to-day you know these are the five KPI’s that that you want to be able to you know just click open your app and and look at live so yes it all works together and all functions together so you’re not having to open three or four different applications um it’s all just through um our platform flagship intuition um i can’t speak for other service providers and saying that I know this technology is available and out there for everyone um i don’t know if they have um the same kind of platform where it all is um talking to each other uh like we do but does it have the ability to do that in theory yes um and so it really is all customizable and and then like I said we’ve got the um weekly reports that we send out but then we can also if you wanted to see something daily a monthly quarterly there is a hundred ways from Sunday um to set up the different types of reports that are available throughout these systems thank you another question is around demand-based cleaning and uh uh does it have does that increase or or have a higher staffing uh cost when you go to demand-based cleaning you want that answer for the most part no I mean demand-based cleaning is meant to it it’s it’s meant to start driving your staffing levels to be lower um what we have found though is that as this is still early on you’re gonna to be able to go to demand-based cleaning you’re gonna have to have some kind of sensor technology you’re going to have to get IOT because you’re really not going to i guess you could but it would be pretty difficult to do without real data to tell you what’s where the things are moving and how they’re happening but uh but for the most part what we’ve found is that it won’t completely erase one full fte but what it allows for is those ftes to be able to do more work back to that passenger confidence they’re able to go out and help in gate hold areas and do a better job with touch point cleaning and touch point surfaces things of that nature but but no it should not to make your costs go higher for sure do you want anything there yeah I mean you know and we’re saying that demand-based cleaning is new based on the sensor technology and in a lot of ways it is um but we’ve been doing demand-based cleaning for a long time in in just simple things like teaching our staff how to monitor uh the you know how to read the feed monitors and look for flight banks and kind of tracking and trending the flight banks that are coming in and and we know between one and two that there’s five flights that land and so we know those restrooms are gonna be crazy um we know between two and three there’s five flights that are going out and so you know at three o’clock we need to get in and porter all of the gates because we teach our employees to read that so while the demand base is yes once you’ve got the real granular data you really can make effective staffing decisions and kind of reallocate staff but there’s other ways to kind of look at demand based cleaning kind of old school too great point thank you for pointing that out um I have another question around if using sprayers uh do we still need to disinfect if you’re using the sprayers so they’re tom you’re so assume you’re talking about the electrostatic sprayers and the answer to that is yes um you know first of all you know the the electrostatic sprayers are a mist that’s laying down and it’s killing you know almost 100 percent it’s not quite 100 of all the areas that the surface lays on but you still have buildup of whatever whether it be you know what i said before you you could have inks or other things are coffee stains coke stains so you’re still going to have to wipe and disinfect those areas and once again once an area is disinfected let’s just say you’re using the electrostatic sprayers at night and you’re going around and you’re fogging within an area or spraying within an area you’re killing it at that moment you know it doesn’t have this long lingering effect because once somebody comes into that area they’re bringing new germs or new stuff into that area so it would have to that’s that’s one reason that touch point cleaning and disinfecting must be done um i don’t know if either one of you had a feedback on that one as well anything to add um another question is follow up on the UV lights do you have to disinfect if you’re using UV lights um I’ll jump out there again but uh on the UV lights once again remember it only kills where the light touches um so the light has to be directly on the area if you go into a hospital they use a lot of UV lighting in a hospital hospital the operating rooms use a lot of UV lighting but it’s because it’s so concentrated on one area in in a in a hospital uh patient room they have a little small robot machine that goes in that’s a UV light machine and when it goes in a light or a little head pops up looks like r2d2 and it has a fan of lights that go out in a pattern to go all like this so that that light beam is touching every area of the room it can still didn’t touch under the bottom of the bed because the light doesn’t get there which but all the area that’s exposed so you got to remember that the UV light only works where it where the light touches so um so yeah you would still need to have a disinfecting program in in correlation with UV lights.

Do you need to hire a consultant to help with certifications.

Go ahead yeah I don’t you know that’s really really would be up to the individual agency um I know that orange county convention center hired a consultant to do theirs which there’s nothing wrong with it it really depends on how much effort and your st you know or resources you your staff you have in-house to do the certification so if you can’t if you don’t have the resources or people just can’t dedicate the time to help because it’s it’s a coordinated effort by different departments you’re you’re going to be uh reaching out to the folks at risk uh your obviously your janitorial staff um uh your emergency your emergency um preparedness folks so and your operations people so there are different stakeholders that that have to um um you know you have to coordinate with so it really depends on how much you know how much cooperation you’re going to get you know in house if you do have that that’s great you can do it um the GBAC folks provide an awesome template that you can follow um I know I spoke with uh one of one of our counterparts at Tennessee uh once one of the regional airports out there and you know he he was able to do his if I remember correctly he didn’t have to engage too many of the folks over there but he did have resources as well and he was able to do it in-house quickly we were able to do it in-house quickly because we you know we rounded up the troops and we were able to do it so it really depends on how much how much um how much how many how much resources you have available to you in terms of you know the your stakeholders so hopefully I answered that question I think that was great answer if it goes to the well building certification um it’s according on the complexities of what you have and what you’re kind of follows what what Luis said is that if your maintenance department has a strong uh person that’s probably affiliated with ASHRAE they could probably handle a lot of it but there it would definitely be a little more technical on the well-building certification and your facilities team would have to kind of look at that and make a decision if they have the resources in-house a lot of that has to it would take some time because I think that a part of that is around a condition assessment on your equipment talking about the the capital plan asset equipment so I think there’s a condition assessment that that’s done and and a review of like uh uh pm procedures and stuff like that and not everyone has a bank of people to to to really uh um I guess dedicate to that type of effort so so once again I think it’s an at you know each each situation would be uh unique uh there are definitely companies out there that do that uh for the well building we’ve actually one of our projects we did use a consultant with us and another project we didn’t so so that’s that kind of gives you a little insight there so uh once again still answering questions thank you everyone for for providing questions uh it’s kind of fun um of the new technologies what do you think will remain when COVID uh is in the rear view mirror.

Are you asking me?

I think all of them really um I think once people get used it’s like your smartphone right would you ever go back to the Nokia flip phone um you know like once you have an iPhone so um no I really do think um I think the cleaning inspect is huge that was something that we were seeing even prior to COVID um really we’re getting away from handwritten things in all aspects of our lives so um that was a major trend that was coming no matter what um I do think the touchless is here to say um you know the touchless uh soap dispensers and touchless paper towels but then also the touchless uh customer feedback I think one less thing to clean one less thing to touch um even when covet is long in the rear view mirror people are are never gonna kind of forget it um in you know having to touch things and then go wash your hands so i think i would say those are kind of the two that I really can see um you know going going the distance when i think about them and I think about what would go away i agree with you i don’t think any of it’s going to go away I think one that may not have as much attention may be contact tracing sensors that are out there I mean I think that people are going to want to have that capability in case something happens in the future but I don’t think it’s going to be like oh we’ve got to have that set up tomorrow kind of thing I think all the other ones though you’re right that data is going to be so good the question about demand-based cleaning and does it add expense i mean really demand-based cleaning should ultimately drive maybe not to to weigh less expense definitely not more expense but what it’s going to drive to is better results it’s going to drive the better passenger satisfaction uh better passenger confidence that’s what you’re really going to get out of that platform would be my thought louis do you have any thoughts on sensor technology I am I we’d like to use it out here but we don’t we’re not really utilizing it but I see I see the benefits you know of using it um so I’m I’m hoping that the powers that be will allow us to you know you know implement some of that stuff um how long will the hyper awareness of cleanliness and viruses last I’ll let Luis go first on that one what was that question again um how long will this hyper awareness of cleanliness and viruses last you know um it really to me in my own personal opinion this is only going to last as long as you know the news media and the CDC will allow us to you know will whatever they whatever information they promote you know obviously COVID covet cases have declined but you know the science isn’t all in yet so um I believe that we will we will still be dealing with the aft the after effects of covet for for a while to come um so even if regardless even before COVID you know a lot of us and I’m sure oia wasn’t the only one we we had disinfecting procedures in place anyway because we still have to deal with SARS um and and other uh diseases that you know that can be spread you know through you know through just touching so um as far as COVID i don’t see this going away anytime soon it may may dwindle just a little bit but in terms of how we how we manage um cleanliness at our facilities it’s just gonna keep us on high alert to just continue to do what we’re doing right now and that’s to make sure that the airports and you know our agencies are clean.

Great answer Courtney any thoughts on that um no I mean I agree I don’t like you said the hygiene theater I think we’ll start to see some of that kind of dwindle around but I think it’s pretty ingrained in everyone’s head you know you’re seeing a lot more people wash their hands in the restroom than you ever did so I think kind of the the basic stuff will continue um and I think you know it’s our job especially in our industry um and then as airports it’s just to educate the passengers as as much as we can and provide them a sense of confidence and you know safety and healthiness as they’re traveling through the airports yeah I think that the hyper awareness is probably here to stay in some degree because i think everybody’s probably had a notch turned up on that that part of their uh their uh senses but uh uh hopefully as I think that’s why I think that four prong approach that we talked about in the beginning that’s why it’s so important is because don’t let fear overtake your decision making don’t let the the just the hyper you know news cycles drive that we need to all make great decisions um so uh we still have a few we only have a little bit of time left so we have a couple more questions and I kept clicking I mean it went past one of them so hang on uh what can i do when the vendor comes in claiming their product kills COVID but that data cannot be verified my simple answer to that is that i would just make sure you’re following CDC guidelines and that you’re making sure that your uh in-house staff or your contract staff is using products that are clearly uh within and stated in the guidelines of the CDC that would that would just be my recommendation anybody else have a follow-up to that.

No that’s pretty that was that was a good answer uh in larger open areas like terminals would adding UV on HVAC systems be practical solutions it could be but i don’t know that the cost will outweigh the benefit you’ll have to really have a pretty solid study done on what your airflow is and how much light would be needed to cover the airflow going through I know right now the couple of people that I’ve been in contact with that went this route it was a little too expensive to go that route for for doing uh UV lighting for that large of a of cubic feet that that air would be covering so that’s the only feedback I have on that one well I will I will mention that um our automated people mover contractor and our facilities department are looking into the u in installing UV lighting into our into the HVAC systems of these uh the little uh these people movers uh the shuttles between the land side and the air side so that’s something that they’re looking at obviously it’s it’s a a much smaller square footage you know but people are cramming into those into those cars so that may be a benefit but you know we’re not there yet from what I’m my understanding but it is something that they’re talking about that is such a smaller condensed area that it could make sense there because you know it’s not just simply putting the light in there and it works you’ve got to have the right surface touch and there’s a lot of factors that go into it that does make sense that’s a good actually I hadn’t thought about that that’s a great point

who should we contact for assistance in various certifications um there’s a lot of resources on each one of those companies websites but GBAC and on on wells websites but if you want just some general information and some general insights feel free to reach out to me I’ll be glad to get you a lot of resources I can get you I can get you all the forms uh we even have a sample sow that matches in with the g back form we have a lot of resources like that we’d be glad to share them with you we have no issue with that but we’ve um we’ve um um uh we’ve put the websites for the for well for the well certified um certification and g back in the uh chat in the chat uh in the chat room there so if the folks can just scroll down to the end they’ll they’ll get the the websites that they can go to thanks man you should have been the emc Luis come on uh well Luis there’s a question just for you um why did you choose to use the reimbursable type contract contract uh for janitorial versus other contract types available okay so there are many reasons why we did it um you kind of touched on something earlier on about retention um and and um hourly rates what we were what we were experiencing here at oia was that we were having a tough time retaining staff uh custodial staff um so what we did was um along with we we kind of did a survey we knew we knew where um hourly rates were going to end up at some point in time so you know there was always there’s all talk about um you know going to the 15 an hour minimum wage um so we decided that we would go we would move from our performance-based contract where you know the contractors is is totally responsible for wages cost of equipment and things of that nature we move to a reimbursable contract and partly for that reason so we dictate what the wages are for the for the custodial staff and we also we also use that also to pay to know how much our budget was for um tools um equipment um supplies uh also the uh the salaries for the for the custodial staff and other items so i think what basically what we wanted to do was have more control of the contract on the uh so a reimbursable contract made a lot more sense to us um of course you know this is a coordinated effort between us and the contractor because the contractor is going to be supplying the labor um and all the equipment so you know it basically again it’s it’s just our way of having a little bit more control of the contract in terms of expense.

Thank you I had a question here is does flagship just provide janitorial services so um we’re not here to try and oversell anybody that was not our goal our goal we are a consultative group here but however we we do much more than janitorial services flagship is a fully integrated facility management company we do everything from curb to roof so we have uh uh maintenance technicians uh electricians plumbers all of that on our staff in a few airports because of aging workforce within the maintenance department uh we help with stuff like painting uh we will sometimes provide the staffing to cover the the the kind of the lower end work order systems uh our work orders while the main major work orders are handled by the uh tenured staff of of the airport so uh yeah we we also can provide ambassadors uh you know throughout the airport and all the other services that are kind of tied to the airlines but that was my sales pitch I was I promise I wasn’t going to do too much of that so I’ll move on and does flagship have cooperative contracts such as gsa source well our omnia partners not currently we do not we have had some contracts where um it was through a state entity and so therefore we were able to piggyback off of the state entity platforms that were set up so we do have that capability within certain not every state allows that but we’ve had that capability uh we have worked with a couple of those different groups before uh the struggle is is that almost every airport is very unique it’s very unique in its circumstances and it’s sometimes a little more difficult when you’re doing the cooperative contracts to get something that’s streamlined they can be done and we’re open to it but currently we do not have that.

Courtney you agree I didn’t miss that did I nope.

All right well um we’ve always used our time up I’m trying to see uh um if we got any other questions here as I scroll down.

As Luis said if you go down through the chat section you’ll be able to see quite a bit of of uh resources there and once again we uh um uh we’re here for you we’re we love what we do especially Courtney and I we do this all the time we’re excited to be out there visiting people again uh so if there’s anything that we can do we we promise we’re just people we love to give information we love to share that because we know that in the end someday it’ll pay off for us and we just like to see everybody um you know we like to share the information we have and just just be good partners so don’t hesitate to reach out to us use that info at and or or Courtney wright um and uh we’ll be uh glad to help you any way we possibly can um oh y’all want to give any parting thoughts louis i’ll let you go first no i just um i just want to let the folks know at apg that and this is not a plug for you guys um but you know you’ve been a good partner for us uh with you know with uh with um goa and um you know one of the things that that i value most is that um um you know you guys always do bring the latest in technology over to us for us to consider you know whether we whether we act on it or not you know at the end of the day we do appreciate that you bring in new new information for us to consider so um you know i appreciate that and um and i hope hopefully i hope that you know our my counterparts at APG you know found this um found this presentation um you know uh uh informative and it they can reach out to me if they have any questions with regards to the contract that we have in place and I’ll be more than happy to share my experiences with it so you know again thanks guys thanks for being a part of this with us and uh um you’re too kind the words were kind we we we appreciate that but we’re also proud that we’re able to give that kind of service out there but Courtney you got any last thoughts uh just thank you guys for um letting us be here and sorry we’re not all in person um I do want to say I know apg is virtual this year we are going to be at triple ae and at ACI so if any of you all are attending there um we have booths at both of those come flag us down say hi um come play the golf game with us and enter a chance to win a yeti and we’d love to see some of you guys face to face so absolutely we love please come by and visit us and also give us a give us an invite on LinkedIn we’d love to be connected just to be able to uh share you’ll find us to be pretty active on there sharing a lot of data but uh once again my name is don tool glad to be here uh danielle thanks so much for allowing us to be a part of apg uh thank you to apg for for letting us be a part of this and and uh uh once again we hope that we’re a good resource we always want to be a good partner and a good resource if there’s anything that we can provide or give you feedback on please don’t hesitate to ask but with that i guess we’ll uh end our session and Luis thanks so much appreciate you buddy look forward to seeing you again in the near future okay all right guys you take care have a great day thanks bye bye.