Coronavirus (Page 4)

Airplane Landing Airport Runway

Flagship Lands at Midland International Air & Space Port

Flagship is the new janitorial contractor for Midland International Air & Space Port in Midland, TX. Look for our germ-fighting superheroes when you’re there.

May 17, 2021

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Workplace Safety Handbook Manual

OSHA Issues Stronger Workplace Safety Guidance

OSHA has issued stronger safety guidance for employers to help mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

February 23, 2021

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Essential Workers COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit

CDC Releases Essential Workers COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit for Employers

Check out the CDC’s educational COVID-19 vaccine toolkit. It’s packed full of information for employers to share with their hardworking employees.

February 11, 2021

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Peace Love IFM Webinar

Flagship Presents: Peace, Love & IFM: Conversations About the Future of Integrated Facilities Maintenance

Flagship announces Peace, Love & IFM, a series of free webinars to help you manage your facilities and adapt quickly in an ever-evolving COVID-19 world.

February 10, 2021

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Woman Reviewing Star Rating Mobile Phone

Mineta San José Earns Global Star Rating for Cleanliness and Safety

After ongoing and tireless efforts by frontline workers, SJC’s new Global Star rating demonstrates that safe and healthy travel can be achieved.

January 27, 2021

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Cleaning Disinfectant Products

EPA Discusses Disinfectants That Will Fight New Super Strains of COVID-19

The EPA has announced how different disinfectants will work on the new super strains of SARS-CoV-2 Virus, including the mutated super spreader.

January 27, 2021

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Diverse Employees Wearing Masks Workplace

Creating Opportunities with Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

The post-COVID 19 world has changed occupant perceptions and working environments. This creates opportunities for businesses to become more advanced.

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Santa Ana John Wayne Airport

John Wayne Airport’s Custodial Team Receives 2020 President’s Award

Hats off to the SNA Custodial Team for receiving the 2020 President’s Award! Even during the challenges of #COVID19, they excelled in service and excellence.

January 12, 2021

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Stressed Employee with Son Working Home

Is Remote Work Contributing to Mental Health Issues During COVID-19?

Employee burnout is on the rise. Working from home tends to blur the lines between work and family life and employees are struggling with shutting down.

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Fighting the Coronavirus at your Facility

Fighting the Coronavirus at your Facility

The outbreak continues to grow, but according to the World Health Organization, the best defenses to the coronavirus are better sanitation and hygiene.

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Facility Workplace Laptop Videocall

The Future of Facilities and How the Pandemic Has Changed the Workplace

The pandemic has changed the way your workforce thinks and what they want. Discover how you can improve your employees’ health and wellbeing this year.

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Janitor Cleaning Computer Screen

Maintain a Healthy Facility

Has your facility been underutilized during the pandemic? Here are things that could be growing in your facility and how to keep it healthy for employees.

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