Airport Floor Cleaning Machine
Airport Floor Cleaning Machine

Airport Cleaning Amidst Coronavirus

Categories: Aviation, Coronavirus, Facilities Maintenance, Janitorial, Phoenix


Airports around the world are increasing their cleaning regimen as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads rapidly.

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) takes passenger health very seriously. With the chances of COVID-19 spreading within its airport facility, PHX helps to keep travelers safe with Flagship Aviation Services.

Cleaning crews work 24/7, sanitizing and disinfecting America’s friendliest airport. With 1,200+ daily flights, Flagship crews have to stay on their toes to sanitize thousands of high-touch points within the airport. Touch points include chairs, doors, handles, handrails, seat arms, and many other places passengers touch as they move throughout the airport. Restrooms are another big concern, and they are being attended to multiple times each hour.

Approximately 300 employees are taking preventative safety measures against the spread of COVID-19 and other germs and viruses throughout the airport each day.

Due to the heightened risk in February and March, Flagship crews have stepped up their efforts to help PHX improve the health and safety of all passengers. Check out the full Fox10 Phoenix report and learn more about how PHX is keeping passengers safe with the help of Flagship.

Flagship stays in close contact with city and local health departments about the potential for increased risk. Since early January, Flagship has reported on the coronavirus and presented ways companies and airports can prepare and protect their occupants. You can access Flagship’s dedicated coronavirus information hub, which includes past articles, videos, printable materials, updates from the CDC and the World Health Organization.